
Vivek Kotecha
Aaron Li
Eric Tsai
Mac Li
Xiaolin Liu
Adam Liss

For my first semester-long project, I was a producer and designer for a team developing content for the ETC's CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) projection space.

The first half of the semester we spent exploring the CAVE space, figuring out what types of experiences would make the best use of the CAVE's 3 screens, motion floor, and other technologies. This was a fun and unique design challenge, as none of us had worked with anything like the CAVE before. We engaged in rapid prototyping and development, and came up with around 10 prototypes in the first 8 weeks. I helped the team brainstorm and choose ideas, as well as contributing as a programmer and scripter on several of the prototypes.

In the second half, we chose the ideas we felt had worked the best, and combined them into two final demos that will be used to show off the CAVE to prospective students, partners, and other tour groups. We also developed a menu system and documented development best practices, so that future teams will be able to add their games to the tour experience. I focuesd primarily on the "Mongolian Rider" demo, which used the motion floor to simulate horse riding, and two PS Move controllers as a bow and arrow. So far it's been very popular with students and guests, and hopefully will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the CAVE for years to come.